Using a Record Type for Dynamic Keys

const albumAwards: Record<string, boolean> = {};
albumAwards.Grammy = true;

That is shorter than:

type AlbumAwards = {
	[keys: String]: boolean;
const albumAwards: AlbumAwards = {}
albumAwards.Grammy = true;

Combining Know and Dynamic Keys

interface BaseAwards {
	Grammy: boolean;
	MercuryPrize: boolean;
	Billboard: boolean;
interface ExtendedAlbumAwards extends BaseAwards {
	[award: string]: boolean;

Interface extension is preferable to intersections.


This is a global type for property keys

// inside lib.es5.d.ts
declare type PropertyKey = string | number | symbol;

Utility Types


The Partial utility type lets you create a new object type from an existing one, except all of its properties are optional.

interface Album {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  artist: string;
  releaseYear: number;
  genre: string;
type PartialAlbum = Partial<Album>;


On the opposite side of Partial is the Required type, which makes sure all of the properties of a given object type are required.

interface Album {
  title: string;
  artist: string;
  releaseYear?: number;
  genre?: string;
type RequiredAlbum = Required<Album>;


The Pick utility type allows you to create a new object type by picking certain properties from an existing object.

type AlbumData = Pick<Album, "title" | "artist">;


The Omit helper type is kind of like the opposite of Pick. It allows you to create a new type by excluding a subset of properties from an existing type.

type AlbumData = Omit<Album, "id" | "releaseYear" | "genre">;


If you want to specify that all properties of an object should be read-only, TypeScript provides a type helper called Readonly.

const readOnlyWhiteAlbum: Readonly<Album> = {
  title: "The Beatles (White Album)",
  artist: "The Beatles",
  status: "staff-pick",


The ReturnType utility type extracts the return type from a given function:

type SellAlbumReturn = ReturnType<typeof sellAlbum>;


The Parameters utility type extracts the parameters from a given function type and returns them as a tuple.

function sellAlbum(album: Album, price: number, quantity: number) {
  return price * quantity;
type SellAlbumParams = Parameters<typeof sellAlbum>;


The Awaited utility type is used to unwrap the Promise type and provide the type of the resolved value. Think of it as a shortcut similar to using await or .then() methods.

type AlbumPromise = Promise<Album>;
type AlbumResolved = Awaited<AlbumPromise>;

References: Typescript Javascript